Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog Entry

Well this blog is a little late for my technology class but better late than never. This class is so much fun and I have learned so much. The internet is has unlimited resources and I have used and learned about so many that I have never heard of.

A couple of classes require us to write a blog and I enjoy them as it is something a little different than writing a journal or having to hand something in. Online there as many different websites to collaborate with others. Our delicious site is a resources with a wealth of information.

The amount of sites available to present or tell a story is incredible. Even within our class there were many different sites used and mediums, from comics to slideshows it was endless. The site that I used was Narrable. It was an easy site to use and I can think about so many ways to use it in the classroom. Using it for lesson plans, instructions, and student presentations is just scratching the surface of what is possible.

Now we have moved onto using Smart-boards. Many teachers I have had at the college just us it for slideshows and the internet, but with using notebook you can create anything. I can defiantly see myself using it when I am teaching from doing attendance to teaching lessons. I see it as a glorified powerpoint presentation.

Technology is constantly changing and it is fun to constant bye learning about it.

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