Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Smart-Board= WOW

The past couple of weeks in technology class have been a lot of fun. We have been working with Smart-board technology. I will start by saying that the Smart-board notebook is incredible. The possibilities are endless. I have spent way too much time playing around with it and seeing what is available. It is easy to see how a teacher can spend a lot of time creating lessons and activities. There are many places online that give teachers access to resources for the smart-board. Many teachers create lessons and activities and make them available to others. Using these resources will not only save time for teachers but give them starting points for creating their own lessons. In the Notebook software there are tons of multimedia tools. They have pictures, interactive and multimedia, notebook files and pages, and backgrounds and themes. For my lesson with shapes and colours I used a tool called activity builder. This allowed me to create pages where students were to match the colour to the word and if one was wrong it would bounce back and if it were right it would stay in place. I will defiantly use notebook and smart boards in my practicum and hopefully in my future teaching.


  1. Smartboards are a great resource! I know I had way to much fun creating my Smartboard assignment and found so many things I could use in a future classroom. Although my practicum class does not have a Smartboard, I can still see using the Notebook software to be of benefit, especially for those visual learners.

  2. I also agree Kelly-Anne. The Smart-board was actually one of the technology tools I was looking forward to learning. The day Kari had the room booked and we got to play around I didn't want to leave. After spending about 5 minutes on it I was hooked. I know what you mean about spending way too much time on it too. I could get lost in it and start planning all my lessons with it. It is probably a good thing my practicum class does not have a Smart-board or I would be consumed by it. I will definitely be using this technology in the future.
